Clearing Tension and Releasing Constriction
Energy is constantly moving through the body in many forms. Blood flow, nerve signal activity and respiratory gas exchange are all examples of this movement. When energy is circulating properly, it isn't felt. The system is at harmony, balanced and strong. On the other hand, when circulation becomes blocked, stuck or deficient, dysfunction arises.
Through acupuncture, overall circulation and nerve conduction are increased to provide an optimum environment in which the body can heal itself. The structural and energetic flow of the body systems as a whole are restored, to allow proper energy distribution and signal the proper cells of tissue growth and repair.
To achieve this, acupuncture needles are used to stimulate and release muscular, nerve and myofascial constriction throughout the body. With the free flow of energy, balance and movement are restored. Overuse, stress, structural imbalances and lifestyle habits are several of the many causes bodies become constricted, resulting in reduced performance. The more constriction in the system, the more movement is impeded. Such impediments directly affect overall health and manifest as dysfunction; most commonly in different forms of pain.